Interested in becoming a LEED Green Associate? Come to our workshop led by David Posada from SERA Architects. We will be going over exam material, practice questions, how to register for the exam and more!
Here’s more information:
Workshop Facilitator: David Posada, SERA Architects
Food? Yes! Snacks and coffee will be provided (but BYOL Bring Your Own Lunch)
Workshop limited to 35 people
Questions? Email Max Moore: or Bella Wu:
1. Sign up on list outside Pacific 100 (Alison Kwok’s lab) – payment confirms spot
2. Make checks out to “University of Oregon”. Place cash or check in envelope and slide under door.
3. Confirmation will be sent out upon receiving payment (no refunds after January 29)
If you would like to save $4 on the workshop, complete the ASHRAE Membership form (on door): Make check $21 to “ASHRAE”; include in workshop envelope with $50 workshop payment.