UO ASHRAE "Ducts" Branch

Oregon ASHRAE Scholarship, deadline January 20!


Calling undergrads and grads to apply for a scholarship from our host chapter in Portland. Complete the application. Submit a resume in lieu of pages 2-4 of the form.

  1. You do not have to be an engineering major to apply for the scholarship.
  2. You do not have to be an ASHRAE member to apply for the scholarship. However, your chances are improved if you are an ASHRAE student member. If you are interested in becoming a student member, go to https://www.ashrae.org/membership–conferences/join-now for more information or complete 2017-2018-Student-Member-Application-2cau5l9 and give to Alison, she will send in for you.
  3. Scholarships will be awarded late winter/early spring at the annual student recognition night held in conjunction with the monthly Oregon Chapter ASHRAE meeting. The Student Chapter Meeting will be held in February. While this is still being planned, it will be held on February 15th 2018 at 5:30pm-8:00pm in the Portland Area.    http://www.orashrae.org/event/february-chapter-meeting-student-night/

[embeddoc url=”https://uoashrae.uoregon.edu/files/2018/01/OR_ASHRAE-Chapter-Scholarship-Application-14be2rt.docx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft” ] (Word)

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