2022–2023 ASHRAE Officers
- President: Maria Camila Coronado
- Vice President: Alex Hilton
- Secretary: Charlotte Kamman
- Treasurer: Tori Clarke
- Membership Coordinator: Taite McLoughlin
- Social Media/Marketing: Alana Murphy, Tayler Ervin, Allyssa Corpuz
- Portland Liaison: EJ del Rosario
- Special Projects: Caleb Bean, Riley Greenheck, Spencer Scott, Kenneth Alessandro
2021–2022 ASHRAE Officers
- Maria Camila Coronado – President
- Emily Kroon – Vice President
- Caleb Bean – Secretary
- Anupam Satumane – Treasurer
- Carli Torti and Riley Greenheck – Social Media/Marketing
- Gemma Fucinga – Portland Liaison
2020–2021 ASHRAE Officers
- Paul Turner – President
- Summer Putman – Vice President
- Emily Kroon– Secretary
- Anupam Satumane – Treasurer
- Callie Atwood, Maria Camila Coronado –Social Media/Marketing
- Rebecca Kiefer – Portland Liaison
2019–2020 ASHRAE Officers
- Chelsey Effinger – President
- Lauren Lew – Vice President
- Paul Turner – Secretary
- Anupam Satumane – Treasurer
- Emily Kroon – Social Media/Marketing
- Summer Putman –Social Media/Marketing
- Eugene Leung – Portland Liaison
2018–2019 ASHRAE Officers
- Isabel Rivera – President
- Kahei Lee – Vice President
- Julia May – Secretary
- Lauren Lew – Treasurer
- Eugene Leung – Media Coordinator
2017–2018 ASHRAE Officers
- Max Moore – President
- Bella Wu – Vice President
- Valeria Masciotti – Secretary
- Daniel Hundley – Treasurer
- Ka Hei Lee – Special Events Coordinator
- Kelli Kimura – Webmaster
2016–2017 ASHRAE Officers
- Garrett Mitchell – President
- Bella Wu – Vice President
- Ka Hei Lee – Secretary
- Wes Miller – Treasurer
- Valeria Masciotti – Special Events Coordinator
- Kelli Kimura – Webmaster
2015–2016 ASHRAE Officers
- Eric Schmidt – President
- Devin Smith – Vice President, Web Master
- Garrett Mitchell – Secretary and Membership
- Wes Miller – Treasurer
- Charlie Eckblad – Special Events Coordinator
2014–2015 ASHRAE Officers
- Tyler Mavichien – President
- Will Brechter – Vice President
- Luis Erazo – Secretary
- Eric Schmidt – Treasurer
- Charlie Eckblad – Special Events Coordinator
- Devin Smith – Web Manager and Membership
2013–2014 ASHRAE Officers
- Tyler Mavichien, President
- Karen Tse, Vice-President
- Joseph Buccini, Secretary
- Gabrielle Steffel, Treasurer
- Ashleigh Fischer, Web & Membership
- Luis Erazo, Special Events
2012–2013 ASHRAE Officers
- Wesley Thompson, President
- Sophia Duluk, Vice-President
- Heather Nelson, Secretary
- Nigel Fenton, Treasurer
- Maria Kennedy, Communication & Membership
- Brian Hagstrom, Special Events
2011–2012 ASHRAE Officers
- Erik Bonnett, President
- Emily McGlohn, Vice-President*
- Wenyu Jiang, Secretary
- Diana Hogan, Treasurer
- Wesley Thompson, Special Events
2010–2011 ASHRAE Officers
- David Bartley, President
- Daniele Cohen, Vice-President
- Jennifer Butler, Secretary
- Danielle Campbell, Treasurer
- King Yin Tang, Public Relations
- Christopher Deel, Special Events
- Rochelle Sanchez, President
- David Bartley, Vice-President
- Jennifer Butler, Secretary
- Sylvan Cambier, Treasurer
- Nathan Poel, Special Events/PR
- Rodney Butler, Webmaster
- Jake Keeler, President
- Jordan Fay, Vice-President
- Rochelle Sanchez, Secretary
- Jessie Scott, Treasurer
- K. Allyn Jeans, Webmaster
- Andrew Cusack, Public Relations
- Jackie Kingen, Special Projects
- Stephanie Young, President
- Jake Keeler, Vice-President
- Rochelle Sanchez, Secretary
- Garian Cika, Treasurer
- K. Allyn Jeans, Webmaster/PR
- Amella Thrall, President & Webmaster
- Jeremy Webber, Vice-President
- Rochelle Sanchez, Secretary
- Garian Cika, Treasurer
- Stephanie Young, Webmaster/PR
- Jeff Guggenheim, President
- Rachel Weber, Vice-President
- Molly Dobbs, Secretary
- Kathy Bevers, Treasurer
- Amelia Thrall, Public Relations
- Sara Goenner, President
- Annaleise Loeshcer, Vice-President
- Mary Rasure, Secretary
- Heidi Spaly, Treasurer
- Will Henderson, Public Relations
- Catherine Hunger, President
- Matthew Brown, Vice-President
- Sara Goenner, Secretary
- Austin Bailey, Treasurer
- Jonathan Meendering, Webmaster
- Troy Peters, President
- Isaac Harris, Vice-President
- Catherine Hunger, Secretary
- Elisabeth David, Treasurer
- Nick Rajkovich, President
- Troy Peters, Vice-President
- Caroline O’Leary, Secretary
- Doug Parker, Treasurer
- Laura Wade Jensen, President
- Anne Pelletier, Vice-President
- Matt Larson, Secretary
- Caroline O’Leary, Treasurer
- Wendy Turner, President
- Mat Taylor, Vice-President
- Joseph Snider, Secretary
- Jason Swift, Treasurer